Apocynum Androsaemifolium Q


Indication: Please consult your physician

10 ml
100 ml
30 ml
SKU: N/A Category:

Spreading Dogbane. N. O. Apocynaceae. Tincture from the root.

Clinical.-Diarrhoea. Dropsy. Nausea. Neuralgia of face. Vomiting. Wandering rheumatism. Worms.

Characteristics.-It has been proved in large! doses, and its most prominent symptoms Are: Trembling of the body. Prostration and trembling. Swollen sensations of face and body. Swelling of hands and feet; showing its relation to dropsical states like Apoc. can. and Stroph. Heaviness with great desire to sleep. Flying pains in different parts. Itching of body and face. Acute rheumatism with great stiffness. General rheumatic pains. Profuse sweat of whole body. The pains go from above downward; are < when breathing; and on turning to left side. Hale has cured with it rheumatic gout: “Acute pains in the joints attended with cramps, bilious stools and flying pains in the teeth. The tincture in drop-doses has been known to expel ascarides and other worms.” It has been used for expelling renal calculi and gravel. Relations.-Compare: Bry. Iris., Colch., Benz. ac. Also Apoc. can., Alston., Stroph. (botan). SYMPTOMS. 2. Head.-Pains and stiffness in back of head and neck. 5. Nose.-Everything smelled like honey. 6. Face.-Twitching in face.-Violent pain in l. zygoma. 7, 8. Teeth and Mouth.-Pains in all teeth of l. lower jaw.-Most delightful taste in the mouth. 11, 12. Stomach and Abdomen.-Vomiting and purging; > from copious evacuation.-Shooting pain in l. groin.-Constipation.

14, 16. Urinary and Sexual Organs.-Profuse flow of clear urine.-Profuse menstruation lasting eight days with violent pressing pain.

21. Limbs.-Swelling of hands and feet.-Most violent pains in all the joints.-Much pain in knee and r. shoulder.-Cramps and burning in soles.-Severe pain in joint of l. big toe.

Weight 190 g