Badiaga Q


Indication: Please consult your physician

10 ml
100 ml
30 ml
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Spongilla fluviatilis. Fresh-water sponge. Trituration of the dried sponge gathered in autumn.

Clinical.-Breast, cancer of. Bruises. Bubo. Catarrh. Chilblains. Coryza. Eyes, pains in. Glands, affections of. Hay-fever. Haemorrhoids. Heart, affections of. Indurations. Ophthalmia. Palpitation. Rheumatism. Scrofula. Syphilis. Tibia, pain in. Whooping-cough.

Characteristics.-Badiaga is the Russian name for the river sponge, which is a popular Russian remedy. Among the peculiar symptoms and indications are: Headache with aching in backs of eyeballs, 2 p.m. to 7 p.m.; < motion. Severe headache in vertex > night, returning severely after breakfast. Headache with inflamed eyes. Pains in eyeballs extending to head. (J. A. Biegler cured a case with the following symptoms: A lady had for months off and on a severe pain in r. eyeball, which extended to forehead over this eye, then to temple; always < in afternoon.) Scalp sore; dry; itching; scurf; tetters. Soreness is one of the key-notes of the remedy; general soreness of integuments and muscles; as if beaten; very sensitive. Profuse coryza, coming from nostril with a gush. L. cheek and malar bone sore to touch. Lancinating pains in stomach; liver; below scapulae; urethra; chest. Buboes. Chancres suppressed by cautery. Infantile syphilis. Carcinoma of breast. There is a cough which causes sneezing, profuse coryza. Occasional severe fit of coughing ejecting viscid mucus flying out of mouth; caused by tickling in larynx as if a particle of sugar was dissolving in throat; > in warm room. Tremulous vibrative palpitation < lying r. side. Palpitation after pleasurable emotions. Soreness of anterior muscles of legs; toes bend while walking as if extensors were paralysed. It has lessened a hard cellular swelling of both legs. Sharp stinging back of r. heel, < least pressure. Chronic rheumatism, < by cold, especially in cold air. < Stormy weather. > In warm room; < afternoon. < Pressure and touch: there is general soreness, even to touch of clothes. Sore as if beaten. Headache > at night, after sleep.

Relations.-Compare: Spongia; Seneg. (cough caused by sneezing, opposite of Bad.); Grind. rob. (respiration ceases on falling asleep); Spo. (cough with much sneezing); Kali c. (phlegm flies from mouth); Calc. s. (indurations); Carb. an. (indurations, buboes); Cist. can. (scrofula); Clemat., Hep., Iod., Kali iod., Lach., Merc., Merc. iod., Nit. ac., Sil., Sul. Followed well by Lach. Complementary to Sul., Iod., Merc.


1. Mind.-After pleasurable emotions, palpitation.-Mind generally clear, active in spite of headache.

2. Head.-Headache from 2 p.m. to 7 p.m., with slight aching pains in the posterior portion of both eyeballs, and in the temples.-During the day more or less headache, with pain in the eyeballs (worse l.); more from 1 p.m. to 7 p.m.-Frontal headache during the forenoon, worse in the temples, and extending into the posterior portion of the l. eyeball; < by moving the eye.-Pain in the temples and eyeballs; from eyeballs to temples.-A very severe headache on top of the head; remains the same in all positions; better at night after sleeping, and better in the morning; returning violently after breakfast; lasting several days.-Headache with inflamed eyes.-Headache < on moving eyes.-Excess of dandruff, or dry, tetter-like appearance of the scalp, with slight itching; hair dry.-Scalp sore to touch, with tetter-like eruption on forehead. 3. Eyes.-Bluish-purple margin of the eyelids, and blue under the eyes.-Scrofulous inflammation of the eyes, with hardening of the Meibomian glands.-Severe pain from eyeballs (< l.) into temple; < turning eyes.-Intermittent neuralgia of r. eyeball, extending to temple, < afternoon.-Headache extending into the eyeballs.-L. eyeball quite sore, even upon closing it tightly.-Twitching of l. eyelid. 4. Ears.-Slight shocks heard in the ear, as of very distant artillery; afternoons. 5. Nose.-Profuse coryza, mostly from the l. nostril; comes with a gush; worse in afternoon and evening; with sneezing.-Coryza and cough.-Itching of l. ala nasi. 6. Face.-On forehead, tetter-like eruption.-Pale, ashy, or leaden colour of face.-Stiffness in the maxillary joints.-L. cheek and malar bone sore to touch. 8. Mouth.-Mouth and breath hot and feverish, with thirst for large quantities of water at a time.-Mouth and tongue feel scalded. 9. Throat.-Hawks up, in morning, masses of gluey bloody mucus from throat, which is inflamed and sore, < swallowing, solids.-Tonsils red, inflamed, < swallowing solids. 11. Stomach.-Pressure in epigastrium, nausea, and rumbling.-Lancinating in pit of stomach 8 a.m.; extends to vertebrae, r. scapula, at times to r. side, resulting there in pleuritic pain. 12. Abdomen.-Lancinating pain with a bounding movement in region of liver.-Indurated inguinal glands.-Syphilitic buboes. 13. Stool and Anus.-Catarrh of the bowels.-Constipation.-Haemorrhoids. 14. Urinary Organs.-Severe, sharp, lancinating pain in or near orifice of urethra.-Urine high-coloured; and reddish. 15. Male Sexual Organs.-Chancres, after cautery, elevated discoloured cicatrices, rhagades.-Syphilis of infants, whole convolutes of hard glandular swellings, buboes. 16. Female Sexual Organs.-Carcinoma mammae.-Metrorrhagia < night, with feeling of enlargement of head. 17. Respiratory Organs.-Breath hot and feverish.-Occasional severe paroxysms of spasmodic cough, ejecting viscid mucus from the bronchial tubes, which at times comes flying forcibly out of the mouth, < afternoon and evening, caused by tickling in the larynx, as if sugar was dissolving, > in warm room.-Cough = sneezing; profuse coryza.-Pain in upper part of r. chest.-Pleuritic pain, < on motion or on full inspiration; with soreness.-Severe, sharp, lancinating pain in r. supra-clavicular region.-Stitches in sides, esp. r.-While lying on r. side in bed, and at moment of becoming unconscious by sleep, severe oppressive suffocative attacks from suspended respiration, causing a quick effort to prevent suffocation by changing position.-Typhoid pneumonia. 19. Heart.-Severe vibrating, tremulous palpitation of the heart, even while sitting or lying, quiet, upon any sudden elating or other emotion of mind.-Lying on r. side, heart is heard and felt to pulsate from chest up to neck. 20. Neck and Back.-Very stiff neck.-Soreness and lameness, with stitches in nape of neck, < by bending the head back and forth.-Scrofulous swelling of the glands of the l. side of the face, throat, and neck; nearly as large as a hen's egg; some hard, some suppurating.-Severe lancinating pains and stitches in the posterior r. side, below the scapula, much < by throwing the shoulders back and chest forward, or any contortions of the body; pain extorting at times a mean or shriek. 22. Upper Limbs.-Palms of hands hot and dry. 23. Lower Limbs.-Several hard, small lumps along the shin-bone.-Hard cellular swelling of the legs.-Anterior muscles of r. leg sore, as if beaten.-At night violent lancinating pains in the limbs.-Hard swellings of both legs lessened.-Hurts of horses' hoofs.-Bad ulcers of horses' feet.-Toes bend while walking as if extensors paralysed.-Checked foot-sweat. 24. Generalities.-General soreness of the muscles and integuments of the whole body; flesh sore to touch, even of the clothes; sore as if beaten. 25. Skin.-Skin sore to touch.-Raised and discoloured scars.-Rhagades.-Brown and blue spots after concussions.-Externally applied causes checked eruptions to reappear.-Tetters on scalp and forehead; itching on scalp. 26. Sleep.-Restless at night; must frequently change position, body feels so sore.-Awake 3-4 a.m. with frightful dreams and severe cramping pains in metatarsal bones of both feet.-> After sleep (head).

Weight 190 g