Ricinus Communis Q


Indication: Please consult your physician

10 ml
100 ml
30 ml
SKU: N/A Category:

Has marked action on gastro-intestinal tract. Increase the quantity of milk in nursing women. Vomiting and purging. Languor and weakness.

Head.–Vertigo, occipital pain, congestive symptoms, buzzing in ears. Face pale, twitching of mouth.

Stomach.–Anorexia with great thirst, burning in stomach, pyrosis, nausea profuse vomiting, pit of stomach sensitive. Mouth dry.

Abdomen.–Rumbling with contraction of recti muscles, colic, incessant diarrhoea with purging. Rice water stools with cramps and chilliness.

Stool.–Loose, incessant, painless, with painful cramps in muscles of extremities. Anus inflamed. Stools green, slimy, and bloody. Fever, emaciation, somnolence.

Relationship.–Compare: Resorcin (summer complaint with vomiting); destroys organic germs of putrefaction; Cholos terrapina (cramps of muscles). Ars; Verat.

Dose.–Third potency. Five drops every four hours for increasing flow of milk; also locally a poultice of the leaves.

Weight 190 g