Janosia Asoka Q


Indication: Please consult your physician

10 ml
100 ml
30 ml
SKU: N/A Category:

Bark of an Indian Tree, introduced by Dr. ND Ray, Calcutta

Has extensive sphere of action on female organs. Amenorrhoea and metrorrhagia.

Head.–Unilateral headache; reflex uterine, congestive headache, better open air and by free flow. Pain in eyeballs; supraorbital pains, photophobia. Nasal catarrh, profuse, watery discharge. Loss of sense of smell.

Gastric.–Desire for sweets, also acid things. Thirsty, excessive nausea; obstinate constipation, haemorrhoids.

Female.–Delayed and irregular menses; menstrual colic; amenorrhoea, pain in ovaries before flow; menorrhagia, irritable bladder; leucorrhoea.

Sleep.–Disturbed. Dreams of travelling.

Back.–Pain along spine radiating to abdomen and thighs.


Weight 190 g