Uva Ursi Q


Indication: Please consult your physician

10 ml
100 ml
30 ml
SKU: N/A Category:

Urinary symptoms most important. Cystitis, with bloody urine. Uterine haemorrhage. Chronic vesical irritation, with pain, tenesmus, and catarrhal discharges. Burning after the discharge of slimy urine. Pyelitis. Calculous inflammation. Dyspnoea, nausea, vomiting, pulse small and irregular. Cyanosis. Urticaria without itching.

Urinary.–Frequent urging, with severe spasms of bladder; burning and tearing pain. Urine contains blood, pus, and much tenacious mucus, with clots in large masses. Involuntary; green urine. Painful dysuria.

Relationship.–Compare: Arbutin (a crystallized glucoside of Uva; found also in Kalmia, Gaultheria and other genera of the family of Eriaceae; given in doses of 3 to 8 grains with sugar three times a day. Used as an urinary antiseptic and diuretic). Arctosphylos manzanita (acts on renal and reproductive organs. Gonorrhoea, vesical catarrh, diabetes menorrhagia. Tincture of leaves). Vaccinum myrtillus-Huckleberries–(dysentery; typhoid, keeps intestines aseptic and prevents absorption and reinfection).

Dose.–Tincture, five to thirty drops. In pyelitis a trituration of the leaves.

Weight 190 g